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COPS – Online

Format: Online

10 – 99 – $8.00 each
100 – 499
– $7.50 each
500 + – $7.00 each

Please note that when purchasing COPS Online assessments CLSR must co-ordinate with the publisher, EdITS, to have credits added to your EAP account. This is usually completed the same business day, or next business day if ordered outside of our office hours.


COPS – Online

Product Description

–  Range: Grades 6 – 12, College and Adult
–  Length: 20 – 25 minutes
–  Norms: High School
–  Scoring Options: Web-based immediate scoring

COPS provides occupational preference scores related to choice of job, curriculum and occupational clusters for professionally, as well as vocationally oriented individuals. Each occupational cluster is keyed to curriculum choice and major sources of detailed job information. Low cost, on-site scoring providing immediate feedback of results and the use of one instrument for vocationally oriented and college oriented individuals are major features of this instrument..

Completion of COPS Online takes 20-25 minutes.The profile includes sample occupations, some skills and abilities needed, suggested activities to gain experience, related courses and college/university majors.

COPS is particularly useful:
–  in classroom group guidance units as a starting point for exploring the world of work
–  as an introduction to the use of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), and the NOC
–  to assist students in planning their high school and college/university major programs
–  to help widen occupational horizons for potential dropouts by specifying job opportunities available to them within their own areas of interest
–  for individual counselling with college/university students and adults
For both vocationally oriented and college/university oriented individuals, COPS is an effective measure of occupation-related interests.

COPS Online is a career interests assessment delivered in one efficient and convenient assessment platform.

Results are available immediately and may be viewed by the examinee, their counsellor, the site administrator or a supervisor, depending on the administrative structure you choose. You may request that your account be set up to suppress an examinee’s results until released by their administrator.

Click here for the COPSystem Online Administrator Guide and to watch a short video about the EAP (EdITS Assessment Platform).

When purchasing COPS Online, a minimum of 10 administrations is required.

COPS – Online


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