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COPSystem – Online

Format: Online

10 – 99 – $19.00 each
100 – 499
– $18.00 each
500 + – $17.00 each

Please note that when purchasing COPSystem Online assessments CLSR must co-ordinate with the publisher, EdITS, to have credits added to your EAP account. This is usually completed the same business day, or next business day if ordered outside of our office hours.


COPSystem – Online

Product Description

–  Range: Grades 6-12, College and Adult
–  Norms: High School and College
–  Administration Time:
–  COPS (interests) – 20 Minutes
–  CAPS (abilities) – 50 Minutes
–  COPES (values) – 30 Minutes
–  Scoring Options: Web-based immediate scoring


The COPSystem has become one of the most extensively used systems of assessing interests, abilities and values in Canada. One of the features that makes this system of assessment tools so unique is the broad range of applications that it covers.

Designed for use in guiding individuals in the exploration of occupations, the COPSystem is particularly appropriate for the following applications:
– group guidance units as a starting point for exploring the world of work
– individual counselling with students or adults and with special needs individuals
– to assist students in planning their high school and post secondary career paths
– to widen occupational horizons for early school leavers by specifying occupational opportunities available to them within their particular area of interest
– as the basis of a comprehensive career search package for unemployed individuals.

The Interest Inventory (COPS) is available to meet a wide scope of needs: ranging from a simplified edition for the early grades to a professional edition for adult professionals and a pictorial assessment for the non-verbal. You select the type of inventory that will best meet the needs of your clients or students.

The Abilities (CAPS) component measures eight areas that have been identified as entry requirements for the majority of jobs.

The Values (COPES) component helps your client or student identify traits that are of importance to them.

The COPSystem Online is a complete career guidance assessment program in one efficient and convenient assessment platform. This customized program consists of the three well-respected, reliable and valid assessments delivered on-line: COPS Interest Inventory, CAPS ability battery and COPES work values survey.

Results are available immediately and may be viewed by the examinee, their counsellor, the site administrator or a supervisor, depending on the administrative structure you choose. You may request that your account be set up to suppress an examinee’s results until released by their administrator.


Click here for the COPSystem Online Administrator Guide and to watch a short video about the EAP (EdITS Assessment Platform).

When purchasing COPSystem Online, a minimum of 10 administrations is required.

COPSystem – Online


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