Dealing With Conflict Instrument
This simple and easy to use conflict instrument assesses five conflict-handling styles that are effective ways of dealing with conflict. With this instrument, it is easy for participants to learn the positive uses of each style and the most appropriate conflict style to use in any given specific business circumstance.
The Dealing with Conflict Instrument is an ideal classroom style, self scoring assessment (also available as an online assessment) booklet for teaching professionals, managers, supervisors or employees how to work toward effective conflict solutions.
The instrument presents 5 conflict styles − accommodate, avoid, compromise, compete, and collaborate. By completing The Dealing with Conflict Instrument, you will learn about your own natural style tendencies, as well as the others around you. Narrative in the assessment booklet, or online report, enables participants to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each style. Participants explore the characteristics of each conflict style in order to develop greater style flexibility. Learn how to analyze a conflict to decide which style is best for a given situation and ensure you can affect the outcome in positive ways.
- Participants learn their dominant and secondary conflict styles.
- Participants become more flexible when it comes to conflict and learn to collaborate toward a solution in most situations.
- Improved conflict resolution helps an organization reduce workplace stress, and build employee engagement.
The Dealing with Conflict Instrument is similar in style to the Thomas Kilman conflict mode instrument, and can easily be used in its place. HR professionals, trainers, and instructors appreciate its ease of use and clearly written descriptions. It can easily be used off-the-shelf with little prep work, saving busy professionals valuable time, and allowing you to address conflict quickly and efficiently. The Dealing with Conflict Instrument paper/pencil assessment is often used in a classroom learning setting. Participants can be guided through completing and scoring the assessment, as well as additional skill building exercises by using the Dealing with Conflict Participant Coursebook. The coursebook follows the workshop outlined in the Dealing with Conflict Leaders Guide. The online assessment can be taken prior to a workshop, allowing more time to be spent addressing the issues. Assessment results are held by the facilitator until it is time to share the result with participants.