It’s always exciting for us when we get to publish a new resource. When months of hard work come together, we get to celebrate our success and see the positive impact it creates.
Career professionals in Canada know that quality resources that reflect our unique needs can be hard to come by. We work hard to add those to our catalogue, but sometimes you just need to do it yourself… or in this case, collaborate with another great Canadian organization.
The Values & Skills Action Planner combines the best of two great resources; the Values & Skills Assessment Cards, and the Career Activity Planner workbook from the Winnipeg Transition Centre. This online report provides far more than results; it is a self-exploration guide to next steps, including identifying transferable skills and setting short and long-term, realistic goals, along possible career pathways.
Clients start by exploring their values by virtually sorting a series of cards listing different work values into three categories: Strongly Value; Value at Times; and Don’t Value. They then move onto doing the same for a series of cards listing a variety of skills, and placing them into: Like to Do; Would Like to Learn, and Don’t Like to Do categories.
With results from the Values and Skills assessment in hand, clients use the rest of the report as a workbook for:
- Assessing individual attributes and how they relate to employment
- Assessing values: what you don’t value is just as important as what you do value
- Listing transferable skills that can be used in future careers/jobs
- Rediscovering talents and accomplishments
- Looking at life experiences and considering how they have impacted job choices
- Producing a list of employment options
- Creating a concrete plan to enter into a chosen field
- Identifying and working around any barriers
- Developing a plan that will include short- and long-term realistic goals
The report/workbook can be viewed and filled our on a computer, tablet, and other devices, or printed out. Clients can then continuously refer back to, and revise it throughout their career development journey.
Click here for a sample report
The Values & Skills Action Planner is available to career development professionals on our CLSRassessments platform. If you’ve already got an account, get in touch and we’ll give you a credit to try it out. Don’t have an account already? Don’t worry, we will set you up for one.