Jun 8, 2023 | Career Development, CLSR Book Club
As the days get longer and the temperature rises, there’s no better time to indulge in some summer reading that will make you laugh, and level up your skills as a professional at the same time. Once you’ve made your way through some excellent recommendations for...
May 10, 2022 | Career Development, Guest Blog Series, HR
The value of being happy at work cannot be overstated. We spend too much of our time at work to not be happy while we are there. When we are not happy at work, it will inevitably spread to our personal lives, which in turn affects those around us. So, what does...
Mar 1, 2022 | Assessments, Career Development, HR, News, Personality
At the end of each year, I always take a look back to try to figure out how the time managed to fly by so quickly, and what we did while it was zipping past. Yes, 2021 was remarkable in many, many ways, but instead of reflecting on what was, I prefer to focus on...
Mar 24, 2021 | Assessments, New Products, Personality, Training & Development
The world of Personality Dimensions® just got a whole lot bigger! Despite all the restrictions in the world right now we partnered with Personality Dimensions® Master Trainer, Sandra Summerhayes, to vastly expand your workshop opportunities and make your sessions...
Aug 26, 2020 | HR, News, Personality, Professional Development, Training & Development
Zoom workshops require some unique preparation, skills, and techniques to make the experience as engaging as in-person workshops….and yes, they really can be as engaging! In the following series, you will experience several activities from the Personality Dimensions®...