Apr 25, 2024 | Career Development, Organizational Success, Professional Development
The job market is constantly changing; we see the employment rate and the economy fluctuate all the time, and the demands of both employers and employees change as new generations enter the workforce. While education and training rates are at an all-time high,...
Oct 26, 2023 | Leadership, Product Spotlight, Professional Development, Training & Development
In the busy worlds of Human Resources, business coaching, training and development, and consulting, keeping your skills sharp and your knowledge up-to-date is a must. One valuable set of resources that’s worth a prime spot on your bookshelf is the HRD Press 50...
May 10, 2022 | Career Development, Guest Blog Series, HR
The value of being happy at work cannot be overstated. We spend too much of our time at work to not be happy while we are there. When we are not happy at work, it will inevitably spread to our personal lives, which in turn affects those around us. So, what does...