Jul 31, 2018 | Assessments, Career Development, New Products
The Barriers to Employment Success Inventory (BESI) is one of our best-selling assessments, and for good reason. It gives your clients a quick and easy way to identify the hurdles and obstacles that stand in the way of job success. While it only takes about 20...
Apr 3, 2018 | Assessments, Career Development, That's Interesting!, Training & Development
Lately, we’ve seen an increase in customers asking our advice on whether they should make the jump from pencil/paper-based assessments to online administration. While there is no right or wrong answer, there are definite pros and cons for each; it all comes down to...
Mar 6, 2018 | Assessments, Career Development, Professional Development
As career professionals, we know that it is very difficult to help our clients/students find employment when they don’t know what they want to do; or maybe what they do want does not have any openings in today’s labour market… I always wanted to be a telegraph...
Feb 27, 2018 | Assessments, Career Development, News, Organizational Success, Professional Development, Training & Development
Over the years I have been asked the “why?” question – “why did you open CLSR?” The best answer comes from a conversation on an airplane… A number of years ago I was on a plane headed to a career development conference and I overheard a conversation in which a...