Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised (OSI-R)
Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised (OSI-R)
Product Description
Best For:
- HR professionals looking to implement a measure of occupational adjustment as part of employee placement, succession planning, or leadership development and coaching programs
- Researchers and practitioners who would like to measure occupational stress in employees to better understand how it affects performance, work behaviours, attitudes, turnover, and absenteeism
- Research on the behavioral correlates of health risk factors
What is the OSI-R?
The Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised (OSI-R) measures three domains of occupational adjustment – occupational stress, psychological strain, and coping resources. It yields scores on 14 different scales ranging from “Role Overload” and “Interpersonal Strain” to “Self Care.”
Why Should I Use the OSI-R?
CONVENIENT. The OSI-R can be administered in 30 minutes on SIGMA’s online platform – SigmaTesting.com. Reports are generated immediately. Results are presented using graphs, numbers, and scale descriptions.
WIDELY APPLICABLE. The OSI-R was normed on more than 900 adults in 130 different occupations. Revisions include new and revised items, and norms for gender and specific occupational categories (i.e., executive, professional, technical, administrative support, public service/safety, and agricultural/production/labourer).
RELIABLE AND VALID. The coefficient alphas for the OSI-R total questionnaire scores were 0.88 for ORQ, 0.93 for PSQ, and 0.89 for PRQ. The OSI-R coefficients are compared to those of the original OSI. Convergent validity studies, factor analyses, correlational studies of the relationships of the scales to variables of practical and theoretical importance, studies of the stress, strain, and coping models employing comparisons of selected criterion groups are all reported in the manual.
Administration Overview
Qualification Level: B
Administer to: 18 years old and older
Administration time: 30 minutes