Money Habitudes Guide for Professionals
Product Description
While each deck of cards includes instruction and interpretation cards, the guide dramatically expands on how to use the cards and what different results mean — along with suggestions of how to work with clients on specific issues. Simply doing the Money Habitudes card sorting activity one’s self is an excellent way to prepare to use the cards with others, however, the guide is especially recommended for those who will be seen as a facilitator or expert information source as well as those leading train-the-trainer classes. The guide also helps people get more value from their cards by providing suggested activities and supplemental instructional materials.
The guidebook includes:
- Detailed information on how to use the Money Habitudes cards, additional activities and specific suggestions for working with couples and groups.
- Six major influences that determine how money habits and attitudes develop. Can be used for background information or as a presentation.
- SMART Goals: Directions to move from general goals to goals that are specific and achievable.
- Activities to supplement your program or use as handouts.
- Tables for further exploration of typical financial behaviours (earning, spending, saving, investing, giving and debt) and typical life challenges (general life, business or personal relationships, job and career.) They are excellent handouts.
- A “Just for Financial Practitioners” section.
- A “Just for Counsellors and Coaches” section.
- Just for Working with Couples including Respectful Conflict: Suggestions which can be used as a handout when working with couples to keep conversations productive.
- Key questions and additional discussion topics are provided to facilitate more in-depth conversations and suggestions for future action.
Because all versions of the Money Habitudes cards are used in the same manner, the guide can be used with the Teen and Young Adult (Money Habitudes II) versions and will provide value for users of other versions, but it is written for the adult version of the cards. The adult cards have slightly different icons and Habitude names versus the versions for younger audiences.