PD @ School USB (French Version) DP á l’école
Product Description
PD at School is designed to be used with students in the school system. The PD at School Dimensions Cards contain segments on Life Values, At School and With Friends and Family all on one card. These are designed to be used with the Personality Dimension® Picture Cards.
The PD at School USB** contains a PowerPoint® presentation that can be converted to overheads and follows the workshop formats used in both Building Blocks and the Learning Styles and Strategies Toolkit. The content, however, has been tailored to suit the needs of students. Teachers/facilitators adapt the content of this presentation to suit the direction and timeframe that they need to work effectively with their students. The USB also contains reproducible masters for the consumable components of this model.
The PD at School USB** includes:
- Reproducible Masters for:
– Where does your energy come from? (Extraversion/Introversion Quiz)
– Scoring Sheet
– Traits and Characteristics
– PD Basics in Action handout - PD at School PowerPoint®
Additional PD at School materials that you will need*:
- PD at School Dimensions Cards
- PD Picture Cards
* PD at School products are only available for purchase by schools and/or school boards/departments of education
** one USB per school; copyrighted materials — purchasing school is licensed to reproduce contents for use within that school (only) and by a qualified Personality Dimensions facilitator