Getting the Job You Really Want Video Series, 6th Edition
Product Description
- Reinforces key concepts in the new Getting the Job You Really Want workbook!
- Covers everything from job searching to job retention!
This comprehensive set of DVDs takes you step-by-step throughout every phase of the job search, plus keeping it! The series teaches how to identify what you want in a job, find the job in less time, interview effectively, negotiate pay and benefits, keep that job, and move up.
Featured career experts include JIST authors Laurence Shatkin, Susan Whitcomb, Katy Piotrowski, Wendy Enelow, John Liptak, Jean Baur, Vicki Salemi, Sandra Naiman, and Laverne Ludden. Throughout informative interviews, these experts reveal self-directed strategies for finding jobs, balancing work and life, tapping into little-known resources that can speed up your career transition, and more.
This series is an ideal supplement to the Getting the Job You Really Want workbook and other job search books available from JIST, but it can also reinforce training on virtually any job search topic.
The following videos are part of this best-selling series:
Introduction: Getting the Life You Really Want
Most of us will spend a quarter of our lives working. Although that might sound like a lot, think about how the work you do affects the rest of your life. For most of us, our jobs affect our lifestyles. So to prepare for the future, you need to think about more than the job you want; you need to consider the life you want. The career path you choose will affect your life. That’s why organizing your job search and knowing what you want in a job are so important. In this video you learn how your career decisions will affect your life. The program asks questions about your goals, choices, and lifestyles that you might not have considered, while introducing the other videos in the series.
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Employers are always on the lookout for well-qualified, dependable, energetic employees. In fact, many employers complain that they can’t find enough workers with the right skills, training, and attitude. In this video you discover the skills, attitudes, and personality traits that all employers expect of their workers, regardless of industry. You’ll learn to understand the job search process from the employer’s point of view. You must think like an employer, gain a better understanding of what they are looking for, and then make changes in yourself to fit their requirements.
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In planning your career and looking for a job, knowing what you can do well is important. Knowing your best skills can help you decide what kind of work is right for you. People who do work that they are good at tend to be more successful in their careers. But it’s not enough to know your best skills. You need to be able to communicate those skills to an employer. To be most successful, you need to take an inventory of all your skills so that you know which ones to emphasize throughout the job search. This video helps you do just that.
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What kind of job do you want? Would you like to work directly with people? Are you looking for a job with a lot of responsibility? Where do you want to work? With a large company or a small one? Outdoors or behind a desk? Do you want work with regular hours or better job security? Would you give up some pay for good health insurance? This video discusses the most important points to consider when forming your job objective. This video helps you think about your career preferences and rank them in order of importance. Then you will have a more focused goal in mind and will be ready to start your job search.
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If you are looking for work, getting a job is your job. Unfortunately, most job seekers spend only 15 to 20 hours a week looking for work when they should be spending twice that. In this video you learn the importance of getting organized before you begin your job search. In addition, you learn about the importance of job applications, a sometimes frustrating but often necessary first step in the job search process. Gathering everything you need for an application will help you to get organized, too.
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There is no one right way to go about a job search. But in today’s job market, some methods work better than others. How you go about your job search depends on the kind of job you are looking for. However, just about any job seeker will be more successful by using a variety of methods and emphasizing the strategies that work best. This video introduces you to the most common ways that people find jobs, from responding to online ads to calling employers to simply asking people you know if they can help. There are many different ways to uncover job leads. And there are many people who can help you –Â provided you know what questions to ask.
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Job search documents such as resumes, cover letters, and portfolios are more than just a way for you to introduce your skills and qualifications to an employer. They are a tool employers use to screen out candidates. They aren’t a ticket to an interview, just the passport required to be considered. This video covers the purpose and value of resumes, cover letters, portfolios, and other job search materials. It gives you suggestions for making the most of those documents and suggests resources for even more help.
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You’ve got a job interview. It sounds like you are in the home stretch. Although the interview itself will probably be less than an hour, you have a lot to prepare for. And when the interview is over, there’s still more work to do to get the job you want. In this video you discover the seven phases of the job interview and how to succeed in each one. Remember that, intimidating as they can sometimes be, interviews are fairly predictable, which means that you can prepare for them. Most importantly, they give you your best chance to showcase your skills and sell yourself to the employer.
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The job interview can take 10 minutes or a couple of hours. But no matter how long it takes, and no matter how many questions are asked, you can be sure of one thing. You will get a question without an easy answer. This video focuses on the trickiest part of the interview process: answering the questions. You learn a time-tested method for answering any interview question. Then you are walked through the process of answering the 10 questions that most frequently cause job candidates trouble. The more prepared you are to answer these questions, the better your chances of succeeding in your interview and landing the job you really want.
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You followed the lead. You polished your resume. You aced the interview. You landed the job. Congratulations. Now it’s time to go to work. For some people, getting the job is the hardest part. But keeping it can be just as difficult. In most cases, the person who has the most control over your job success is you. This video gives practical, time-tested advice for doing just that. You even learn the best way to leave a job when the job you want even more comes along.
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