Each November, Canada Career Month brings together Canadians from all walks of life to celebrate the value of meaningful work and the vital role that Career Development Professionals play in making this possible. At CLSR Inc., we are proud to join this national...
Career development professionals in Canada, are always on the lookout for high-quality resources to help your clients succeed in the job market. When you find something that you can use, right off the shelf, that’s even better. The Employability Skills Curriculum is...
I was recently looking for something in my stacks of files, and I came across my notes and course work from the Career Development Theory course I did at Dalhousie University years ago. There were notes on Parsons’ Trait and Factor Theory, Krumboltz’s Planned...
As Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, begins to enter the workforce, they are fundamentally reshaping how we perceive work and workplace dynamics. Even if some of us still want to believe that the 90s was only 10 years ago, this younger generation brings new...
Career development practitioners are always on the lookout for ways to provide our clients with the tools and insights necessary to navigate their career journeys successfully. One powerful tool in our kits is understanding personality type preferences. By helping...