If you’re a Career Development Professional, you already know how challenging it can be to help people figure out what they want to do with their lives. Whether they are young students trying to figure out what they want to do when they grow up, or older career...
The team at CLSR Inc. is excited to announce the release of the latest addition to the suite of career development resources from The Winnipeg Transition Centre, the Values & Skills Worksheet. Designed to accompany the Values and Skills Assessment Cards, an...
When individuals feel unfulfilled with their current job, or are struggling to choose a career path that aligns with personal values, taking a career values assessment is a good place to start exploring options. Career values assessments help individuals understand...
In today’s world of work, people are changing jobs more frequently than ever. Entire industries are constantly re-shaping, and new jobs are created all the time. The Skills & Values Report allows career professionals to help their clients identify what they are...
I’m so glad you’re here! What an interesting year that was – a year of coping, hoping, learning and adapting. Like many thousands of people, I had to develop several new skills, not the least of which is I can now Zoom (or, at least, sort of, providing someone sets...