Mar 20, 2018 | Assessments, Career Development, Professional Development, Training & Development
With so many options out there, how do Career Development Professionals choose assessments that will work for their clients? There really is no simple answer to this question, and it requires some homework on our part to find what we need. I will go into details...
Mar 13, 2018 | Career Development, News, That's Interesting!
A while ago I had the pleasure of attending the first AGM of the CDPCBO – another acronym to add to the list! The CDPCBO is the Career Development Practitioners Certification Board of Ontario who are spearheading Ontario’s career development practitioner certification...
Mar 6, 2018 | Assessments, Career Development, Professional Development
As career professionals, we know that it is very difficult to help our clients/students find employment when they don’t know what they want to do; or maybe what they do want does not have any openings in today’s labour market… I always wanted to be a telegraph...